Republicans will soon have a chance to nominate the conservative archetype: Donald John Trump Sr. He epitomizes the conservative worldview and expresses it more effectively than any other
candidate. Thanks to Trump's triumphant early campaigning, the real Republican message is now loud and clear.
Conservatives see the world as a hierarchy: God created the universe and gave Man dominion over Women, Children and Nature. The conservative ruling-class archetype is the American "Founding Father:" white, male, property owner. Conservatives believe wealthy people deserve their wealth and poor people deserve their poverty. Anything that interferes with this "proper" order is bad. Welfare programs ("redistributing wealth"), Mexicans crossing U.S. borders and uppity female debate moderators challenge the proper order of society: Rich above poor; Whites/Americans above Browns/Mexicans; Men above Women.
Understanding the conservative worldview helps us understand why Trump is still tweeting about Megyn Kelly's cross examination. He is not upset at being questioned toughly. He is upset because she questioned him toughly. A (pretty) female should be on display at one of his pageants, not challenging his political views on national television. While it appears juvenile and petty to some of us, Trump's reaction makes perfect sense when looking through the conservative lens. Without respect for the proper order, society might crumble into chaos. Megyn Kelly should know her place.
Maybe it's our Manifest Destiny. Maybe the name "Trump" is a divine pun: he certainly blows his rhetorical trumpet more boldly than any other candidate hitherto. Beyond doubt, no one better expresses the real Republican message:
We are the party of peace through strength. Professing American exceptionalism—the conviction that our country holds a unique place and
role in human history—...
Thus begins the 2012 Republican Platform section aptly titled
"American Exceptionalism." Therein you find both despair and bluster, akin to the main plot line of Old Testament scripture: We are a chosen nation/people, and that entails both a heavy
responsibility as well as the promise of a brighter future:
Of course, all of the Republican candidates proudly proclaim that
they will make America “great again,” but Trump’s just got that direct Trump-style that no other candidate can match:
The Republican Platform 2012: "Jefferson's vision of a 'wise and frugal government' must be
Donald Trump 2015: "Get
smart U.S.A.!"
It's clear to me that Trump was born to be the Republican Party standard bearer. No one better exemplifies the conservative worldview and no one better expresses it. It's about time Republicans nominate someone who refuses to be "politically correct:"
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